Sunday, 29 September 2013


When we say cloud, it means everything can be stored and shared within the clouds. Cloud computing is a metaphor of the internet. Cloud computing comes into the picture when we talk of behemoth IT enterprises. Cloud computing solutions is a latest buzz for global IT companies to increase the capacity, improving the ROI without having the need for new IT infrastructure in place. 

AWS Consuting Partners is the global partner that is focused on building a successful AWS based business by providing members of the AWS partner ecosystem with technical, marketing, and GTM support. Amazon Web Services cloud platform is an amazing platform that provides compute, storage, networking and database services that allow customers to build a sophisticated IT infrastructure with scalability. Today, internet consumers are in massive quantities reaping the benefits of these could computing services. Regardless of the size of the IT corporations , they constantly are in a lookout for the sophisticated solutions to improve the functionality and scalability of the applications. Cloud computing came as a boon with tons of the benefits like improved operational efficiency with reduced cost.
Now, let me share with you some of the notable advantages of deploying cloud computing solutions:
·         Deploying cloud solutions significantly reduce the overheads to build a new IT infrastructure and appointing an additional IT personnel.
·         Due to the very nature of the IT corporations, infrastructure needs the upfront investment. However, in IT sector outdated technology is strictly no-no, cloud migration helps the business leaders  to build a sophisticated platform, thus saving the added cost.
·         A non-standardized IT environment and platform can be expensive from a security viewpoint. For this purpose, IT companies feel the need to spend hefty and revising their budget for performing activities.
In the digital space where the internet consumer relies significantly on the technology for his diversified needs. Based on the above, multinational corporations are in the constant change process to score out the competition online by adapting and delivering the throughput in sync with technological upgradations. AWS Consulting Partners enable the corporations to consume shared computing, storage and other applications faster with more efficiency with secured IT infrastructure. Cloud computing can significantly help leverage the business operations that increases both the effectiveness and efficiency of your company.              

Wednesday, 4 September 2013


What is so special about clouds? First of, what is Cloud Computing? Generally it is the means by which an individual  or company drives their IT operations for a breakfree performance. Cloud, colloquially means a variety of different types of computing concepts that includes massive number of personal computers connected through a real-time communication network. In a more scientific language it means the capacity to run a program on many connected computers at the same time. It means virtual servers would do all the work in the clouds without hampering the end user.

It is believed that cloud vendor are experiencing growth at the rate of 90%. After the y2k bubble burst, Amazon played a significant role in the development domain encompassing  cloud computing by upgrading their data centers. By then, Amazon introduced a new product development strategy to offer cloud computing to external users and rolled out Amazon Web services (AWS) on a utility computing basis.

Integration of the multi-cloud systems that are widely scattered, calls for co-ordinated operations, performance, security, corporate governance.  It facilitates the free flow of information between the cloud based components and other external systems.
Today, in tough-to-survive environment, companies choose to move in for a robust IT infrastructure wherein they are able to access their business critical applications 24*7. Lately, It can be witnessed the significant accelerating growth for virtual network operators and use of data centers for the secured information transfer. Deployment of BYOD solutions has become imperative for IT concerns. Furthermore, employees work more efficiently if given them the mobile access to the handheld devices like, Smartphones and tablets wherein they have the authority to access the critical information and applications on their devices.

Well, many IT business concerns are cashing on by integrating their solutions for a visible performance and a better storage. However, what can concretely be said that there are available many cost effective solutions that enables one to connect to a host server. Thankfully, we live in a digital age where transferring and accessing the information happen at just the blink of an eye. Must say, we have arranged a civilization where crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology.